社会总资金 ,是全社会可以利用和控制的经济资源总量 ,即各机构部门所占有并能使用其获得经济利益的各种经济资产总额。优化资金的形态配置 ,合理控制资金流向是保证国民经济良性运行的先决条件。本文探讨社会总资金的定义及其结构与运行态势的监测方法。
Gross social fund is the usable and controllable amount of economic resources of the whole society, that is, the total economic assets of various kinds controlled and used by all the institutions for making profits. It is the pre-condition for a virtuous operation of the national economy to optimize the allocation of the fund and to ensure a reasonable flow. This essay focuses its research on the definition and structure of the fund and the supervision methods on the operation of the fund.
Economic Survey