西部发展缓慢的根本原因在于产权制度的落后。西部大开发的本质是以产权制度建设为核心的制度大变革。在这场变革中 ,应建立以现代农地产权制度为基础 ,现代工业产权制度为中心 ,现代知识产权制度为先导 ,现代教育产权制度为龙头的产权制度体系 ,从而推动西部实现跳跃式发展。
According to this article,the basic cause of the unremarkable progress of the western development is the backward property rights system,and the essence of the western development is a system reform which concentrated on the construction of property rights.To push forward the western deveoopment,during this reform,we should set up the property rights system which is based on the land property rights system,centered on the mordern industrial property rights system,guided by the mordern intellectual property rights system,and led by the educational property rights system.
Journal of Shaanxi Economics and Trade Institute