作为世界经济与贸易大国 ,美国在倡导贸易投资自由化、相对开放本国市场的同时 ,实施一整套严格的旨在保护本国企业利益的进口管理体制和相关贸易投资措施 ,涉及关税、非关税措施、技术性贸易壁垒、服务贸易、知识产权等诸多领域。对美国贸易壁垒的研究有助于我辩证地把握全球化趋势 ,应对加入世界贸易组织的挑战 ,扩大机遇。
As an economic power and a trading nation in the world, the United States has been actively advocating worldwide trade liberalization and comparatively opening its own market, however at the same time, it adopts very strict import administration regime and related trade and investment measures in tariff, nontariff, TBT, service trade and IPR areas, which aim at protecting domestic enterprises. The study of American trade barriers may help us better understand the dialectical nature of economic globalization, prepare ourselves to meet the challenge of joining WTO and enlarge opportunities.
Studies in International Technology and Economy