《18 44年经济学哲学手稿》中 ,马克思在批判扬弃德国思想界关于人的本质的学说的基础上 ,明确地提出了关于人的科学的思想。其内容包括人的自然本质、类本质、社会本质和个性特征四个层面 ,前三者构成人的本质结构 ,个性则是人的本质结构的具体存在方式。人的本质结构呈现为“双重存在”,包含着受动性和能动性、实然性和应然性、科学因素和价值因素的矛盾统一 。
In his “1844 Economics and Philosophy Handwriting Manuscript”, on the basis of criticizing and sublating the doctrine about man's essence raised by German ideological circles, Marx clearly put forward his scientific thought concerning people. The content includs four aspects. They are:man's natural essence; class essence; social essence and personality characteristics. The former three consist of man's essencial structure and that personality is the concreat existing mode of man's essence. The essencial structure appears as “double existence”which contains the unity of antagonism of passaivity and initiative; actuality and necessity; science factor and value factor. Its inherent tension is the cardinal motive force that pushes individual action even the social development forward.
Journal of Huanghe S&T University