教育教学是人与人之间一种特殊的交往活动。语文教学彰显人文性 ,需要语文教师作为教育教学的主导力量 ,把教育教学当作一门交往艺术 ,创设人性化的交往空间。语文教学交往以真诚为心理基础、以倾听为实现方式、以心灵自由为根本指归 ,实现平等教育主体间的共同完善 ,即“人之为人”。
Teaching is a special kind of communication. Humanism is so outstanding and prominent in Chinese (as a subject of study or a means of communications) teaching that the Chinese teacher should regard this kind of teaching be an art when he plays a leading role in the procedure . This kind of teaching requires teacher be of benuine, good at listening, and he does for freedom.
Journal of Shandong Education Institute