高校要落实江泽民同志的“三个代表”思想 ,就应充分发挥思想政治工作的优势。具体来讲 ,思想政治工作要为发展中国先进社会生产力提供强有力的支持 ;思想政治工作要为传播中国先进文化导向领航 ;思想政治工作要与解决师生员工的实际困难、维护师生员工的切身利益紧密结合。
In order to carry out the theory of Three Representatives by Mr.Jiang Zemin, the higher learning institutes must fully use ideological and political work as an advantage. In other words, first, it should provide a powerful backing for Chinas advanced productive forces. Second, it should be taken as a guide to the spreading of Chinas advanced cultures. And finally, it must be closely associated with solving the problems of the faculty and students and maintaining their lawful rights and personal benefits as well.
Journal of Yili Education College