目的 探讨闭角型青光眼术前长期滴用 1%匹罗卡品与小梁切除术效果的关系。方法 随机选择88例原发性闭角型青光眼病例,按局部滴用1%匹罗卡品滴眼液累计时间不同分为3组,均行小梁切除术,术后对眼压、视野、滤过泡、滤过瘘口及虹膜粘连进行临床观察。结果 术后3组间统计比较,眼压(P<0.05)、视野(P<0.01)、滤过泡(P<0.05)、滤过瘘口(P<0.01)、虹膜粘连(P<0.01)均有显著性差异。用药3年以上对小梁切除术效果有明显影响。结论术前长期滴用1%匹罗卡品与小梁切除术效果密切相关。闭角型青光眼应缩短术前用药时间,早期手术,提高手术疗效。
ve To explore the relation of long-term administration of 1% pilocarpine with trabeculectomy outcomes. Methods Eighty eight patients with primary closure-angle glaucoma were divided into three groups according to the duration of topical medication before trabeculectomy. The IOP,visual fields,filtering bleb,filtering fistula and iris adhesion were examined postoperatively. Results The successful rate of trabeculectomy was significantly low in patients for more than 3 years of topical medication. There was some significant difference in IOP(P < 0. 01), visual fields ( P < 0. 01), filtering bleb (P < 0. 05) , filtering fistula (P < 0. 01) and iris adhesion ( P < 0. 01 ). Conclusion The trabeculectomy outcome is significantly related to long term administration of 1 % pilocarpine. The time of topical medication should be shortened preoperatively as early as possible.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research