
对仪器法检测产超广谱β-内酰胺酶的评价 被引量:4

Study on Detection of Extend-spectrum Beta-lactamase Using VITEK-AMS
摘要 目的 :了解VITEK AMS检测革兰氏阴性杆菌产超广谱 β 内酰胺酶 (ESBL)的可靠性和本科革兰氏阴性杆菌产ESBL的情况。方法 :用VITEK AMS药敏卡GNS 5 0 6进行ESBL检测 ,并以纸片确认法作对照。结果 :ESBL检出率仪器法为 3 8 0 % ,而纸片确认法检出率为 60 1% ,后者检出率比前者高 ( χ2 =3 4 0 0 ,P <0 0 1)。结论 :VITEK AMS检测ESBL的特异性为10 0 0 % ,而敏感性只有 63 2 % ,为防止漏检 ,建议检测ESBL时用纸片确认法。 Objective:To investigate the reliability of VITEK AMS for the detection of strains of gram negative bacilli that produce ESBL and to determine the prevalence of these ESBL producing strains in the department.Methods:VITEK AMS GNS 506 was used to detect ESBL and was compared with disc confirmatory test.Results:The detection rate was 38 0% in ESBL producing gram negative bacilli using VITEK AMS.It was 60 1% in disc confirmatory test.The detection rate in VITEK AMS was higher than in disc confirmatory test(χ 2=34 00, P <0 01).Conclusion:The specificity of detection ESBL using VITEK AMS was 100 0% while the sensitivity was 63 2%.To prevent from missing detection,disc confirmatory test should be used.
作者 陈淑贞
出处 《汕头大学医学院学报》 2002年第1期39-40,共2页 Journal of Shantou University Medical College
关键词 产超广谱β-丙酰胺酶 革兰氏阴性杆菌 抗药性 微生物 Extended-spectrum β-lactamase Gram-negative Bacillus Drug Resistance Microorganism
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