为了比较三组药物的疗效,将重型乙型肝炎103例,随机分为3组,三组均采用综合基础治疗,A组32例加用肝乐宁0.4-1.0于糖水中滴注,每日一次,B组35例加用肝细胞生长素40mg-100mg;C组加用胰高血糖素1mg联合胰岛素8u-10u(G-I),用法均同A组。观察疗效、副作用及肝功能改善情况。结果三种药物临床总有效率分别为50%、57%和44%,统计学处理差异无显著性。血清胆红素下降C组较A组和B组明显(P<0.05及 P<0.01)。A、B二组副作用不明显,C组不良反应较多。ALT、ALB及PT的变化三组无显著差异。
To evaluate effects of Gan le ning, HGF and G - I therapy for severe hepatitis B, 103 patients were randomized into three groups. Group A(n = 32) was treated with Gan le ning 0. 4 - 1 .0 v gtt q. d, and group B(n = 35)with Hepato- cyte growth factor (HGF) 40mg - 100mg v gtt q. d, and group c(n = 36) with glucagon 1mg - Insulin 8u - 10u (G - I) v gtt q. d. The clinical efficiency rates were 50.0% .57 .0% .44.0% respectively. There were no significant different among three groups. However, the level of total serum bilirubin (TSB) of group c decreased more significantly than that of Group A and B (P < 0. 05) and P < 0. 01). Side effects of Group C were more severe than that of other groups.
Journal of Clinical Hepatology