198 9年 4月 4日颁布的《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》 ,对促使行政机关依法行政 ,保护行政相对人的合法权益 ,保障人权起着重大作用。最高人民法院的《贯彻意见》、《若干问题解释》对此又作了完善。笔者认为 ,应依法保护诉权 ,健全行政诉讼参加人制度 ;借鉴外国经验 ,丰富我国法院行政判决形式 ;明确举证责任的分担 ,完善举证责任制度。
The Administrative Procedure Law plays an important part not only in making the administrative organ conducting according to the law, but in protecting the legal rights of persons subject to administration and in ensuring human rights as well. But with the development of socialist market economy, the present law can't be compatible with the trial practice. The two documents from the Supreme Court give further regulations to the administrative law. This article will approach the subject of civil litigant participant, burden of proof and judgment form.
Journal of Yuncheng College