师专“两课”教学要处理好几个矛盾和关系 :内容多与课时少的矛盾 ,“两课”必修与兴趣不高的矛盾 ,学习与考试的矛盾 ;厚与薄的关系 ,学习内容与培养能力、提高素质的关系 ,课堂学习与关心时事政治的关系 ,主体与主导的关系 ,原理与体系的关系。
In order to develop'Two classes'teaching,the following relationships must be dealt good with,such as:large quantity of the contents and not enough class hours;the required courese and not much interest;learning and testing;theick and thin;studying contents and ability training;class studying and the concerning about current events;main part and leading role as well as the relationship between principie and system.
Journal of Qinzhou Teachers College