语境是言语交际不可或缺的前提条件 ,它对词义有重要的制约作用。本文着重考察了语境赋予词的临时性意义的几种情况 ,使人们对语境和词义的关系有更清楚、更自觉的认识 ,从而使我们在言语交际过程中提高适应语境的能力 。
Context is an indispensable prerequisite for verbal co mm unication, which plays an important role in the confinement of word meaning. Th is paper stresses on certain circumstances where temporary meaning is attached t o word in view of context, with an aim to increase our awareness of the relation ship between context and word meaning and improve our ability to base communica tion on context for better expression result.
Journal of Yili Education College