以经济增长为发展目标的传统发展观是以牺牲其他方面的需要为代价换取的发展 ,这种发展不能满足人的全面发展的需要。在这种经济活动中 ,人们关心的只是经济效益 ,其结果是导致当今的不可持续发展的状况。要做到从今往后的可持续发展 ,必须以人的自我发展为发展的根本目标 。
The traditional sense of development taken ec onomic increase as developing aim is the development taken the need of sacrificing th e other fields as cost. It cant be content with the need of men's a ll development. In the economic activities, what people concern is eco nomic benefit. So it leads to present situation of uncontinued advance . T his article emphases that if keeping the continued advance from now o n, it is the key aim of mens self-development, of the need of mens all development.
Journal of Yili Education College