稻作文化是云南稻作民族能动地适应生存环境的社会成果。云南稻作民族的生存环境立体多样 ,内部纵横分割、地形破碎封闭 ;区位具有过渡性 :是青藏高原与东部平原、丘陵之间的过渡地带和东亚大陆、南亚次大陆和中南半岛之间的过渡地带 ,中原文化、印度文化、中南半岛文化在此交汇 ,与本土文化圆融 ,古代三大原始族群在此繁衍融合。这种立体多样的文化生态孕育了多姿多彩、独具特色的多个稻作文化亚型。云南各稻作民族在长期能动适应文化生态的过程中 ,形成了与其生存环境相适应的独特的民族立体分布格局 ,独特的祭祀活动。
The culture of rice cultivating is a great social achievement of active fitting the living condition among the rice cultivating nations in Yunnan. The living condition of rice cultivating nations of Yunnan is various. The varieties can be seen as internal crisscrossing partition, broken and closed terrain, and regional transition. Yunnan is a transitional region between Qingzang plateau and Eastern Plain and hilly land; and is a transitional region among East Asian continent, South Asian sub-continent and Mid-south Peninsula. Chinese culture, Indian culture and Mid-south Peninsula culture exchange here, and they just merge with the local culture, and the three big tribes in ancient time live and cultivate here till today. These varieties provide a natural transition for all sorts of various natural environments and cultures and create many sub-types of culture which are of their own characteristics. Every rice cultivating nation in Yunnan has formed its own national characteristic of tribe distribution, its own sacrifice to Heaven, its own religion and its own method of keeping ecological balance.
Economic Geography