目的探讨老年冠心病无症状心肌缺血对QT离散度 (QTd)及校正QTd(QTcd)的影响。方法对 80例经Holter证实为无症状心肌缺血 (SMI)的老年冠心病患者 ,测定其SMI期及缺血缓解期的QTd及QTcd值。结果SMI期的QTd、QTcd值为 76± 32 4ms、2 6± 0 4 1ms,缺血缓解期为 4 5 2±2 1 6ms、8 6± 0 36ms ,后者 95 %上限值分别为 6 0ms、10ms,SMI期与缺血缓解期差异有极显著意义 (P<0 0 1)。结论SMI可引起QTd、QTcd值增大 (>6 0ms,>10ms) ,且显著大于缺血缓解期 ,故可将其作为预测SMI预后的一项无创性参考指标。
Objective To explore the influence of QT dispersion (QTd) and Correct QTd (QTcd) in old patients with silent myocandial ischemia(SMI).Methods QTd and QTcd were measured in synchronism of V1,V3,V5(AECG) in 80 patients by Holter to demonstrate without myocardial sichemia Results QTd and QTcd were 76± 32.4 ms,26±2.4ms,in patients with SMI and 45.5±21.5ms,86±0.36ms,in the patients of non SMI.The 95% superior limit values were 60ms and 10ms respectively.QTd and QTcd of SMI were significantly higher than non SMI ( P <0 01)?Conclusion QTd and QTcd are a non invasive referses indexes as predicting prognosis of patients with SMI.
Guizhou Medical Journal