目的 评价小儿泌尿生殖系横纹肌肉瘤不同治疗方法的疗效。方法 回顾 1972年 1月~ 1994年 12月收治的 16例小儿泌尿生殖系横纹肌肉瘤临床资料 ,前期治疗以手术 +化疗为主 ,共治疗 7例 ,其中Ⅲ期 5例 ,Ⅳ期 2例。后期治疗采用活检确诊 +冲击量化疗 +手术 +放疗的综合疗法 ,共治疗 9例 ,其中Ⅲ期 7例 ,Ⅳ期 2例。结果 前期治疗术后 5年仅存活 1例 ,后期治疗术后 5年存活 3例 ,均为Ⅲ期患儿。结论 应用活检确诊 +冲击量化疗 +手术
Objective To evaluate the various approaches for management of genito urinary rhabdomyosarcoma in children.Methods Sixteen children with genito urinary rhabdomyosarcoma (male 10, female 6) were admitted between January 1972 and December 1994. Seven cases (stage Ⅲ 5, stage Ⅳ 2) were treated by means of surgical excision and postoperative chemotherapy. The remaining 9 patients (stage Ⅲ 7, stage Ⅳ 2) received combined treatment of chemotherapy, delayed resection and radiotherapy after confirmed by biopsy.Results One of the 7 patients who received surgical excisions and chemotherapy survived more than 5 years. Whereas three patients survived for more than 5 years after receiving the combined treatment. All survivors were belonged to stage Ⅲ. Conclusion Combined treatment with intensive chemotherapy, delayed resection and radiotherapy improves the survival rate of children with genito urinary rhabdomyosarcoma in stage Ⅲ.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery