目的 观察先天性多发性关节挛缩症膝和足畸形治疗。方法 回顾性报告 1980~1997年治疗 35例 4 2膝和 6 6足先天性多发关节挛缩症临床资料 ,根据Sodergard评定方法进行综合评价。结果 膝关节伸直型无论是保守治疗或手术治疗的疗效均强于屈曲型 ,足初次术后畸形复发占 73.3% ,有的足需三次手术。结论 膝部屈曲型治疗结果差 ,足部手术治疗应在
Objective To study the treatment in arthrogryposis multiplex congenita(AMC).Methods Thirty five patients with AMC (knee 42, feet 66), treated from 1980 to 1997 were studied and evaluated according to the Sodergard grading.Results The overall prognosis for extension contracture of the knees appeared to be better than that of flexion contracture. Recurrence of the deformity occurred in 44 feet ( 73.3% ). Some of these patients required three operations.Conclusions Treatment of flexion contractures of the knees is discouraging. The patients with foot deformity can be treated primarily with soft tissue release before 1 year of age.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery