目的 观察比较自体结膜角膜缘移植与自体结膜移植治疗复发性翼状胬肉的疗效。方法 回顾分析1998年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 6月所手术的有完整随访记录的 76例 (81只眼 ) ,其中 37只眼行自体结膜角膜缘移植术 ,44只眼行自体球结膜移植术 ,术后随访 12~ 31月 ,平均 19月。结果 自体结膜角膜缘移植组 2只眼复发 ,复发率5 .41% ,自体结膜移植组 9例复发 ,复发率 2 0 .45 %。两组复发率经统计学处理差异有显著性 (x2 =3.89,P <0 .0 5 )。
Objective To compare the therapeutic effects of recurrent pterygium treated by conjunctiveal limbal autograft transplantation (CLAU) and conjunctival autograft transplanation (CAU).Methods In a retrospective study,81 eyes,of 76 patients was divided into two groups.35 patients (37 eyes) was treated by CLAU;CAU was performed on 41 patients(44 eyes).The subepithelial fibrovascular proliferation postoperatively was used as the analysed sign.The postoperative follow up period ranged from 12 to 31 months(mean 19 months).Results 35 eyes(94.59%) out of 37 in CLAU group with stable epithelial healing,recovery of corneal transparency and no abnormal proliferation of pterygium like tissues;9 eyes out of 44 (20.45%) in CAU group showed the subepithelial fibrovascular proliferation.The difference was obtained between the two groups(x 2test,x 2 value was 3.88,P<0 05).At donor eyes,all corneas appeared normal,without conjunctival epithelial ingrowth,vascularization,and chronic keratitis.Conclusion To provide new stem cell source for injured limbal with conjunctival limbal autograft transplantation is a reasonable therapeutic method for treatment recurrent pterygium
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology