目的 :通过根管外科手术 ,治疗一些常规根管治疗疗效不佳 ,根管内有不能取出的充填物而不能进行常规根管治疗的患牙。方法 :收集临床病例 10例 ,除 1例根充完整患牙仅行根尖周刮治术外 ,其余 9例均在根尖周刮治术的基础上行根管倒充术。结果 :治疗后观察 1年 10例均无不适。 8例根尖病灶缩小 ,2例根尖病变区有新生骨小梁形成 ,密度较正常稍低。结论 :对于由于各种原因所致的根管堵塞无法进行常规根管治疗的患牙 ,可通过根管外科手术予以解决。
AIM:To observe the clinical effect of endodontic surgery. METHODS: 10 cases were reacted badly to or couldn't be treated by routine root canal therapy. Those cases were treated with endodontic surgery,one by periapical curettage,the others by periapical curettage plus retrograde filling. RESULTS: None of the 10 cases had any unfitness after one year .Periapical shadow decreased in 8 teeth.2 cases showed new bone trabeculi in periapical zone. CONCLUSION: Endodontic surgery is an effective mothod to those tooth which cannot be treated by routine root canal therapy.
Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry