[目的]探讨CO2激光治疗尖锐湿疣过程中所排放的烟雾是否有人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV DNA)存在,这些病毒的致病性如何。[方法]收集32例尖锐湿疣患者的烟尘标本共96份,距烧灼部位1cm处、3cm处、5cm处各32份;用PCR方法检测烟尘标本中的HPV DNA,观察其阳性率;用烟尘标本涂擦30只大白鼠的阴道、外阴粘膜,对有皮损的部位做病理切片及PCR检测。[结果]用CO2激光治疗尖锐湿疣的烟尘中,有HPV DNA存在,经大白鼠感染试验证实,有一定的致病性。[结论]用CO2激光治疗的烟尘中有 HPV DNA存在;烟尘中的HPV DNA有一定的致病性;排烟设备距烧灼部位1cm以下最为安全。
[Objective]In order to study whether there are human papillomaviruses (HPV) in the vapor during CO2 laser- treatment of Condyloma acuminatum. [Method] The vapor specimens were collected 1cm (32samples), 3cm (32samples) and 5cm(32samples) from the laser- treated area. The vapor specimens were detected for HPV DNA by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) methods. Observing the pathogenesis of these vapor specimens by daubing vagine and vulvae of 30 mouse. [Results]The results showed that HPV DNA is found in the vapor during treating condyloma acuminatum by high power CO2 laser. The results of animal testes showed that there is pathogenesis to operator in the vapor during CO2 laser treatment of condyloma acuminatum. [ Conclusion] HPV DNA is found in the vapor during treating concluloma acuminatum by high power CO2 laser. There is pathogenesis to operator in the vapor during CO2 laser treatment of condyloma acuminatum. The equipments of draming off vapor was 1cm from the laser treated area is safe.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology