目的 :观察灯盏花注射液治疗急性心肌梗死 ( AMI)的疗效。方法 :45例 AMI患者随机分为观察组 2 5例和对照组 2 0例。对照组用常规治疗方法 ,观察组在常规治疗方法的基础上 ,加用灯盏花注射液60 mg。结果 :治疗 1 0天后观察组心功能明显改善 ,梗死后心绞痛发生率下降 ,全血粘度、血浆粘度及纤维蛋白原等明显降低。与对照组比较或同组治疗前后比较 ,均有显著性差异。结论 :灯盏花注射液治疗 AMI可改善左室功能 ,降低血液粘稠度 ,从而较好地改善临床症状。
Objective: To observe the effect of fleabane injection in treating acute myocardiac infarction(AMI). Methods:45 cases of AMI had been randomly divided into two groups:a test (25 cases) and a controlled(20) The latter had been treated by routine treatment and the former,added bomg fleabane injection. Results:In the test the cardiac function had been obviously improved,incidence rate of post-angina pectoris,decreased and blood viscosity,plasma viscosity and fibrinogen,descreased also.The indexes all above can be found significant differences as compared with those in the controlled,or compared between pro and post treatment in a same group. Conclusion:Fleabane injection can be applied to improve left heart function and decrease blood viscosity.
Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine