用RAPD技术分析了四种淡水鱼-鲫鱼、鳊鱼、草鱼及鲢鱼的种间和种内的遗传变异。用30个随机引物进行了 RAPD扩增,其中 29个引物得到扩增产物,选取其中 11个带纹清晰、多态性较丰富的引物的扩增图谱进行遗传距离的计算,并进行聚类分析,同时获得四种淡水鱼各自的特异性标记。
Intra - and inter - population genetic variation of four kinds of fresh water fish was analysed by using randomamplified polymorphic (RAPD) markers. 29 primers got amplified bands in total of 30 primers, amplified bands of 11primers were selected to statistic similarity index and genetic distances. Cluster analysis based on the RAPD results wasperformed by UPGMA method. Character bands of four kinds of fish were got, these may be useful in germplasm iden-tification of four kinds of fish.
Journal of Aquaculture