毛泽东思想和邓小平理论是把马克思主义与中国革命具体实践相结合中两次飞跃的理论成果。毛泽东思想是邓小平理论的思想基础和思想源泉。在中国社会发展的战略转移中形成和发展了邓小平理论 ,与此同时 ,形成和发展了有独立科学体系的邓小平教育思想。邓小平教育思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。“文革”前邓小平有关教育问题的论述是属于毛泽东教育思想的范畴。邓小平教育思想体系有其形成和发展的过程 :第一阶段 :“文革”后期对教育的整顿 ;第二阶段 :“文革”结束后对“两个估计”的拔乱反正 ;第三阶段 :亲自抓教育的改革。邓小平教育思想有其时代性、突破性、实践性的特点。
Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping's theory,which is based on the former,are both theoretical achievements,in the application of Marxism to the concrete practice of Chinese revolution.The social development in China in the 1980s demanded a theory,thus the birth and development of Deng Xiaoping's theory,including his appoach to education.This approach has developed in three stages:(1)the later period of the Great Cultural Revolution,(2)the period shortly after the Great Cultural Revolution,and (3) the period of economic reform and open-door policy.The writers discuss eight aspects of Deng's approach to education.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College