利用MicrosoftJet数据库引擎和数据访问对象 (DAO) ,设计湖北省土壤 -地形体数字化数据库 (HB SOTER)完整性检查功能 ,保证数据的正确有效。结果表明 ,数据库实体完整性的设计可以在定义数据库时实现 ,而通过创建数据库中数据表之间的关系 ,可以完成数据库参照完整性的设计 ,从而实现SOTER数据库在结构上的统一性 ,完善了数据库完整性检查功能。
The reliable database is the base of available results of the SOTER applications such as soil mapping,land evaluation and land degeneration etc.In order to ensure the data available,the Microsoft Jet and the Data Access Object(DAO) are used in designing the database integrity of HBSOTER,which is developed using the Object-Oriented method When the database is being defined,the entity integrity can be designed and the referential integrity can be designed by means of dealing with the relations among tables in the database Therefore,the oneness of the structure of the SOTER is kept up,and the function of database integrity check is implemented Also other functions,such as deleting tables and disaster recovery,can be given an attention to
Hubei Agricultural Sciences
国家自然科学基金项目 ( 4 980 10 10和 4983 10 0 4)
湖北省自然科学基金 ( 99J12 3 )资助