台湾自 1 997年实施“新制教育实习”措施 ,采行师资培育机构与中、小学校的合作精神 ,规定大学毕业的师资生须至学校现场实习一年 ,成绩合格后才能取得正式教师资格 ,却因现实因素而不断调整其作法 ;最近则企图取消这项措施 ,欲将教育实习融入师资养成教育的学习活动中。未来的“新制教育实习”措施无论如何实施 ,中小学在师资培育工作的重要性 ,及其与师资培育机构合作的必要性 ,势必有增无减 ,尤其为合作关系中第一线担任师资生或实习老师 (后文皆以师资生称之 )mentor的班级教师 ,他们的表现不仅直接影响机构间的合作关系与师资生的实习品质 ,也间接影响个人的教学表现、赋权 (empowerment)、专业自主的信念及专业成长。本文将具体列出mentor应协助师资生“培养教学能力及发展能力”的要项 ,以量化研究方式分别探究mentor个人及其与师资生对协助“培养教学能力及发展能力”的认知及实际表现 ,并考虑mentor的性别、教学年资、接受创新程度 (innovativeness)、焦虑及忧虑特质等因素的影响。
This paper reports a study of the perceptions and performances of school-teachers as mentors -- preservice teachers in a partnership practicum program. Quantitative methodology is employed to examine the mentors' backgrounds including gender, service years, innovativeness, anxiety, depression and so on, which might influence their perceptions and performances regarding how to assist the preservice teachers' instructional and developmental competencies. Based on the findings of this studay, four suggestions were offered to teacher education institutions, cooperative schools and mentors for follow-up studies.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College