典型理论建构 ,早已突破以往仅仅局限于个性与共性范畴的单一哲学思维框架 ,引进了偶然与必然、现象与本质、意识与无意识、经验与超验等诸多范畴 ,因而从现代系统论、心理学、文化学、人类学等方面 ,特别是借鉴“原型”理论与方法 ,开拓了新的理论维度和深度。这方面 ,以往的研究中 ,时代的社会的横向投影之“流”方面是敞开了 ,但是历史的心理的纵向积淀之“源”却有意无意地被遮蔽了。遮蔽的要敞开 ,并且应与以往敞开的方面有机整合起来 ,构成纵横立体的逻辑辐射 ,开拓出典型理论建构的广阔而深邃的思维时空。本文选择阿Q典型作为新的理论构想的“个案研究” ,在重新阐释阿Q的基础上 ,揭示这一典型之被说不尽的谜底及其价值 。
The building of Archetype Theory has already broken through from the past logic thinking fabric. As a consequence, especially after employing it and its approach, new dimension and depth in this theory are revealed. Long before, though the crosswise projection of time has been mentioned, the origin of the flow, the historic and mental precipitation are being shadowed consciously or unconsciously. In an attempt to reinterpret the archetype, AQIU, this article selects him as the individual case, exponds and proves the significence which lies in the new presumption over the Archetype Theory.
Journal of Harbin University