本文对湛江、北海、海口等三个环北部湾 (中国设 )的主要城市改革开放 2 0多年来的经济与社会发展进行对比研究 ,发现三市经济发展模式之间所存在的差异与特点 ,从中寻找相应的经验与教训。
This paper is a comparative study on the economic and scioal development of Zhanjiang, Haikou and Beihai, the three main cities around Beibuwan Gulf in recent twenty years since china's refom and opening outside. It also explores the features economic development style of the three cities, compare and study their similarities and dissimilarities, futhurmore, find relevaut experiences and learn lessons from each other.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College