应用我国的高产栽培品种泗棉 3号和美国栽培品种TM 1为材料 ,构建F2 和F2∶3 作图群体 ,应用 30 1对SSR引物和 10 40个RAPD引物 ,对产量性状QTLs进行了分子标记筛选 ,结果共筛选出了 37对SSR多态性引物和 10个RAPD多态性引物的 49个位点 ,鉴定出了控制产量性状变异的主效QTLs。定位于第 9染色体的连锁群 ,分别具有控制铃重、衣分和籽指的主效QTLs ,铃重的 2个QTLs分别解释F2∶3 群体表型变异的 18 2 %和 2 1 0 % ;在F2 群体检测到的 1个衣分QTL解释表型变异的 2 5 % ,另一个衣分QTL在F2 群体和F2∶3 群体都检测到 ,解释F2 群体衣分的2 4 9%的表型变异 ,解释F2∶3 群体衣分的 5 9%的表型变异 ;在F2∶3 群体铃重的一个QTL的同一位置同时检测到一个籽指QTL ,它解释 15 6 %的表型变异 ,是一因多效或是紧密连锁的两个QTLs,有待进一步研究。
Using interval mapping and marker simple regression methods,the QTLs of yield and its components in (Simian 3×TM 1) F 2 and F 2∶3 ,were tagged and Mapped with 39 SSR and 10 RAPD markers having polymorphism between parents screened from 301 pair SSR primers and 1040 RAPD primers.Simian 3 is being grown extensively in Yangtze River cotton\|growing valley characterized as high productivity with more bolls and higher lint percent,whereas TM\|1,Genetic standard in Upland cotton with more heavy boll weight.In the present report,two QTLs controlling boll size with 18 2% and 21 0% phenotype variance explained in F 2∶3 generation,one QTL controlling lint percent with 24 9% phenotype variance explained in F 2 generation and 5 9% in F 2∶3 generation and one QTL controlling 100\|seed weight with 15 6% phenotype variance explained in F 2∶3 generation were mapped in Chromosome 9.Additionally,another QTL responsible for 100\|seed weight was identified and mapped at the same position in Chromosome 9 in F 2∶3 generation.It is worth for further to be studied whether it is one QTL for pleiotrophism or two closely linked QTLs.The molecular markers mapped and tagged closely with main QTLs of yield traits in this paper can be used for MAS in cotton high\|yield breeding program.
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology
国家杰出青年科学基金 (No .30 0 2 5 0 2 9)
国家转基因植物研究专项 (No .J99 A 0 2 3)