通过70个 RAPD 引物对高大山羊草15份材料进行扩增,共扩增出766条带,其中无多态性(即相同带)的带115条,占总带数的15%,有多态性的带651条,占总带数的85%。通过分析,发现高大山羊草的 Y315、Y316、Y317与其它12份材料差异很大,这3份材料的特异带有253条,占整个多态性带数的38.9%。经 NTSYS 系统聚类表明,高大山羊草 Y315、Y316、Y317这3份材料为一个类群,而其余12份材料为另一类群;这2个类群中任何一份山羊草与另一类群中任何一份山羊草的遗传距离均很大,变幅为1.38~1.58,是它们各自类群内遗传距离的3倍以上。鉴于这两类材料在分子水平的 RAPD 扩增产物上差异很大,并考虑到这两个类群在形态上也确实存在明显差异,因而建议将高大山羊草分为两个亚种,当然这一观点还有待收集更多的材料做进一步的研究。
After amplification of 15 accessions of Ae.longissima by 70 selected primers,766 bands were obtained,85% of which (651) showed polymorphism.However, about 38% (253) of the bands with polymorphism were presented in 3 samples.The above result revealed that Ae.longissima was composed of two populations with less variation within each population and greater variation between the two populations.The results of RAPD showed that the genetic distance between two populations was three times of that within population.With consideration on the variation of morphology and seed setting rate in crossing with wheat,we suggested that Ae.longissima be divided into two sub-species.