研究选用鲁薯 7号和徐薯 1 8号为材料 ,对甘薯块根膨大速率变化动态及其块根中可溶性碳水化合物含量、ATP含量、ATP酶活性和脱落酸 (ABA)含量的变化进行了研究分析。结果表明 :(1 )块根膨大速率变化动态呈一双峰曲线 ,第一个高峰出现在栽秧后 5 0~ 70 d,第二个高峰出现在栽秧后 1 2 0~ 1 6 5 d;(2 )块根膨大高峰期 ,块根中可溶性碳水化合物含量较高 ,ATP含量则较低 ;(3 )块根中 ATP酶活性和 ABA含量变化动态与块根膨大速率变化动态相似。讨论了 ATP酶和
Using Ipomoea batatas(L.)Lam. CV Lushu7 and Xushu18 as materials,changes of soluble carbohydrate content,ATP content,ATPase activity and ABA(Abscisic acid)content in storage roots during the thickening stage of storage roots were studied.The main results are as follows:(1)The changing pattern of storage root thickening rate expressed a double-peak curve,the first peak appeared at 50~70 DAP(days after planting),and the second peak appeared at 120~165 DAP.(2)At 50~70 DAP and 120~165 DAP,soluble carbohydrate content in storage roots was higher,and ATP content in storage roots was lower.(3)The changing pattern of ATPase activity and ABA content were similar to that of the storage root thickening rate.The possible role of ATPase and ABA on promoting the storage root thickening of sweet potato was discussed.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica