运用电镜和细胞化学标记技术 ,研究比较了 K型雄性不育系与其保持系花粉粒内壁发育过程中的超微结构和 ATP酶活性变化。结果表明 ,保持系和不育系花粉粒内壁的发生均从花粉第一次有丝分裂后开始 ,发育初期 2种类型的花粉粒质膜上均具有 ATP酶活性反应。随着内壁的加厚 ,保持系花粉粒质膜上的 ATP酶活性增加 ,当内壁加厚到一定程度时 ,内壁中形成膜性结构的管状通道 ,在管状通道中具显著的 ATP酶活性反应 ;其成熟花粉粒萌发孔区的细胞质隆起 ,孔盖被推出 ,内壁和周围组织具极显著的 ATP酶活性反应。不育系花粉粒随着内壁的加厚 ,质膜上的 ATP酶活性变化不明显 ,内壁比保持系的厚 ,没有正常的管状通道的形成和 ATP酶活性反应 ;萌发孔区细胞质隆起不明显 ,孔盖内陷 ,内壁和周围组织没有 ATP酶活性。分析认为 ,K型小麦雄性不育花粉粒内壁结构的这种畸型变化及 ATP酶活性反应的差异 。
Ultrastructure and ATPase activity in the intine both K-77(2) (K-type cytoplasmic male sterile line) and 77(2) (maintainer line) were comparatively studied using transmission electron microscopy and ultracytochemical localization of ATPase.The results showed that the intine deposition both K-77(2) and 77(2) begined immediately following the mitotic division and ATPase activity in plasma membrance was observed.77(2) pollens showed as the intine was developed,ATPase activity increased.In the mature intine,radially-oriented tubular channels were arised,in which ATPase activity was observed.K-77(2) pollens showed as the intine was developed,ATPase activity was little increased.In the intine radially-oriented tubular channels were few formed,in which ATPase activity was little observed.We concluded that distruption of the intine from K-type cytoplasmic male sterile wheat is one of crucial factors causing pollen abortion.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 39770 36 6 )