In cultivated rice ( Oryza sativa L.), F-1 pollen sterility is controlled by at least 6 loci of the F, pollen sterility genes. To map S-b, one of loci, rice variety Taichung 65 (T65) carrying S-b(j)/S-b(j) and its near-isogenic line TIST2 carrying S-b(i)/S-b(i) were used to develop the mapping population. One hundred and fifty-eight microsatellite markers were selected to survey T65 and TISL2. RM13 on chromosome 5 was found to be polymorphic between them. Cosegregation indicated that RM13 was closely linked with locus S-b. Eleven RFLP markers were selected on the corresponding region from the genetic map of Rice Genome Research Program (RGP) of Japan to convert into sequence-tagged site (STS) markers. Amplicon length polymorphism (ALP) was carried out, but none of them was found to be polymorphic between T65 and TISL2. Then PCR-based RFLP (PBR) was done using six 4-nucleotide recognizing restriction endonucleases. Polymorphism was detected when PCR products of R830STS and R2213SSTS were digested with Taq I. Genetic analysis indicated that the distance between locus S-b and markers, R830STS, RM13 and R2213SSTS were 3.3 cM (centi-Morgan), 5.2 cM and 5.5 cM, respectively. These PCR-based markers could be directly used in marker-assisted selection. The technical system combining genetic mapping and PCR-based marker-assisted selection will facilitate the development of molecular breeding.
栽培稻 (OryzasativaL .)杂种F1花粉不育性至少由 6个基因座位所控制。为了定位其中的一个基因座位S b ,选用了 15 8个微卫星标记对粳型品种“台中 6 5”及其近等基因系TISL2之间的多态性进行了分析。结果发现第 5染色体短臂上的RM13在亲本间存在多态性。连锁分析表明 ,RM13与S b座位紧密连锁。根据微卫星标记分析的结果 ,在RGP(RiceGenomeResearchProgramofJapan)发表的遗传图谱的相应位置上选取了 11个RFLP标记 ,利用这些标记的末端序列设计特异PCR引物 ,进行ALP (ampliconlengthpolymorphism)分析 ,结果 11对引物均没有ALP。用6种四碱基识别位点的限制性内切酶进行PBR(PCR_basedRFLP)分析 ,发现由R2 2 13S和R830两克隆设计的STS(sequence_taggedsite)标记在T6 5与TISL2之间存在酶切多态性。R830STS、RM13和R2 2 13SSTS与S b座位的遗传距离分别为 3.3cM (centiMorgan)、5 .2cM和 5 .5cM。这些以PCR为基础的分子标记可以直接应用于分子标记辅助选择中 ,从而建立了基因定位与分子标记辅助选择一体化的技术体系 ,使S
国家高技术研究和发展计划 ( 10 1_Z16_0 2_0 1)
国家转基因植物研究和产业化专项 (J99_A_0 2 5 )~~