政治和经济的稳定有赖于社会保障制度的建立与完善。钱从何处来 ,是社会保障制度建设中遇到的一个最大的问题。有必要选择一条规范、稳定的筹资渠道 :纳入财政收支体系 ,开征社会保障税 ,以适应社会保障制度支出的需要。
The steady of politics and economy rely on the establishment and perfection of the social security system.Where to raise fund is the most difficult problem in the course of its establishment.It is necessary to choose a standard and steady channel of raising fund;bringing into the financial revenues and expenditures and beginning to levy the t axes of social securities in order to suit the expenditures of social security system.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute