由于交通车辆引起的建筑物振动对强度和安全的影响通常可以忽略不计 ,这类振动没有受到足够的重视。然而 ,对交通干线附近建筑内的精密仪器 ,车辆引起的楼板微振动却是一个不可忽略的因素。本文实际测量分析了某三面紧邻交通干线的高层建筑振动状态 ,研究了轻轨列车行驶对高层建筑振动的影响 ,发现轻轨列车和重型汽车通过时 ,大楼的振动明显增大 ,可能导致部分仪器的测量误差增大。
It can usually be neglected that the vibration excited by traffic vehicles hurt to strength and safe of building,so that this kind of vibration has not paid enough attention yet.However,the micro vibration of floors excited by vehicles will lead to make problems for some precision instruments in the buildings near traffic load and railway.The micro vibration of a high rise building near light weight railway and traffic roads are investigated by experimental analysis.The vibration of floors increase significantly while a light weight train or heavy vehicle is passing by the building.The error of some instrument will be larger than normal.
Noise and Vibration Control