利用国家标准GB/T172 47.2— 1998中声屏障对点声源插入损失的计算公式 ,得到无限长声屏障对线声源的降噪模型 ,并针对一个特定问题在MATLAB软件中编制计算程序 ,计算结果和实测结果以及经典图表进行比较 ,证明模型是正确可行的。
A declining noise model for infinite long barrier to line sound source is made in terms of the function of insertion loss for barrier to point source in GB/T17247.2-1998.And a program is programmed for a special problem in MATLAB in this article.It is certified that the model and program are all correct and feasible by the comparison between calculating consequence and practiced measuring consequence and the comparison between calculating consequence and Meakawa curve.
Noise and Vibration Control