国内的低速柴油机制造厂 ,船舶设计部门、造船厂和船东好象已经有一种共识 :艉机舱推进轴系使用低速五缸柴油机作主机时 ,都要用扭振减振器。但是 ,只要在设计时合理选用柴油机转速 ,并采用高强度低合金钢来制造中间轴 ,这类轴系大部分是不需要扭振减振器的。
It is seems a kinds of common view from low speed marine diesel engine manufacturer,ship design institute,shipyard and ship owner in domestic.If there is installed 5 cylinders low speed marine diesel engine as main engine for propulsion shafting and located at stern room,it is always adopted with torsional vibration damper. In this paper it is indicated that there is no necessary for most of this kind shafting to adopt with torsional vibration damper if selecting reasonable engine speed and fitting with intermediate shaft made from high strength low alloy steel.
Noise and Vibration Control