将中国林蛙浸于 7种不同浓度梯度的高锰酸钾溶液中 ,以印证林蛙对高锰酸钾的耐受力 ,指导在养蛙生产中高锰酸钾的安全使用浓度。结果表明 ,0 0 1%~ 0 0 2 %的高锰酸钾为安全浓度 ;0 0 2 %为疾病预防浓度 ;0 0 3%为治疗浓度 ,高于 0 0
Forest frogs were submersed in potassium permanganate solution at 7 concentrations to test the tolerance of the frog to the chemical The results showed that the safety concentrations of potassium permanganate solution was less than 0 02% Conantration suitable for disease prevention and cure was 0.03%. It was lethal to the frog when the concentration was higher than 0 03%
Journal of Economic Animal