近年来 ,中国石油西南油气田分公司在四川盆地东北地区罗家寨气田和渡口河气田飞仙关组鲕滩气藏发现了天然气探明储量 10 0 0多亿立方米 ,预计今后几年还将有约 10 0 0多亿立方米的探明储量被发现。这一地区将成为 3~ 5年后天然气东输湖北、湖南地区和向川渝地区新增供气的主要气田。飞仙关组鲕滩气藏天然气组分中高含H2 S和CO2 ,是国内目前开发难度最大的气田。本文针对该气田开发中可能遇到的完井、集输、净化、环境保护等方面的关键技术问题 ,分别就材质选择、气田内部集输方案、脱硫厂建设方案的比较和大量硫磺的出路、高含硫状况下的特殊HSE管理以及如何提高气田开发的经济效率等问题提出了初步意见 ,并就借鉴国内外经验的有关方面提出了建议。作者认为 ,开发该气田的基本技术条件是具备的 ,而加强前期工作 ,做好整体方案的优选 ,采用必要的国外技术和材料 ,则是经济有效地开发该气田的关键。
In recent years,large natural gas fields, named Dukouhe and Luojiazhai, have been discovered in the northeast part of Sichuan Basin by'Southwest Oil and Gas field Company of PetroChina',in Oolitic Beach Reservoirs. Over 100 × 10 9m 3 proved reserve has been recognized until now and another 100 × 10 9m 3 proved reserve will be explored in a few years to come according to the geologists. This area will become one of the main source fields supplying the increment of natural gas to Sichuan and Chongqing as well as the long distance pipeline gas to Hubei and Hunan provinces. The exploitation of these fields faces a very difficult job because their high sour gas contents, H 2S and CO 2 in Feixianguan group Oolitic Beach Reservoirs. Based on a pre-feasibility study, this article describes the key technical problems which will possibly be encountered in well completion, field gathering system, raw gas processing, environment protection and discusses them separately in materials selection, suggested field gathering plan, preliminary construction plan of gas plants, marketing for large quantity sulfur produced and the HSE management for this severe circumstance. In the conclusion, the author states that the basic condition for the development of these gas fields has been possessed, the exploitation will be successful both technically and economically provided a careful plan optimization and early stage preparation be made and suggests key technique and equipment importing be included in some extent.
Chemical engineering of oil & gas
natural gas, high hydrogen sulfide containing, sour gas, Sichuan basin, Oolitic Beach Reservoir, Luojiazhai, Dukouhe, sulfur, HSE