通过银预处理柱技术对盐酸中高含量Cl- 的背景进行有效吸附 ,克服了高浓度盐酸对痕量SO2 -4 测定的干扰 ,避免了盐酸强酸性基体的影响 ,快速、准确地检测工业合成盐酸中SO2 -4 的含量。该检测方法加标回收率为 95 %~ 1 1 0 % ,相对标准偏差可控制在 5
The SO 2- 4 ion in industrial hydrochloric acid can be detected rapidly and exactly by OnGuard Ag cartridge technology which can overcome the disturbance of high concentration hydrochloric acid on trace SO 2- 4 ion detection and avoid the influence of acid medium,for it can remove the high concentration Cl - ion from synthetic hydrochloric acid.The recycle rate of the method is kept between 95% 110%,and the relative standard deviation within 5%.
Baosteel Technology