2 0 0 1年全球铜供应过剩近 60万t,库存大幅增加 ,价格创近 15年来的新低 ,减产消息频频爆出。 2 0 0 2年美国经济有望走出困境 ,铜消费将结束下降趋势 ,生产增长将受到抑制 ,供需之间仍存在缺口 ,库存将会减少 ,价格有所反弹 ,LME三个月期铜平均价估计在 162 0美元 /t ,比 2 0 0 1年略有增加。
The copper market in 2001 had a vast surplus of 600kt, with copper price recor ded a new lowest level from 1986, which resulted in much cuts in production Th e slowdo wn of globe economic is the main reason behind the sluggish copper market in 200 1 In 2002, U S economic will walk out of difficulty, copper demand will sto p d eclining, and there will have a small deficit in copper supply, prices are likel y to rally from 2001's low level The LME 3 month average copper price is fore cast to increase slightly to $1 620/t
Nonferrous Metals(Extractive Metallurgy)