滑压调节时是否有必要全开所有的调节阀 ,还是可以仅仅全开部分的调节阀运行 ,国内在理论上对此存在着分歧。而在电厂实际运行中一般都采用的是全开所有的调节阀。本文从经济性和安全性的角度对这一问题进行了分析 ,发现不开启低参数备用调节阀进行滑压运行的经济性比较好 ,值得推广。
There is difference attitude about whether it is necessary to open all the governing valve in sliding pressure operating mode.In practice,all the governing valve open mode is commonly used.This paper analyzes this question from the point of view of economy and safety,and gets the conclusion that it would be more economic if the last governing valve is not open in operating,and this operating mode is worth popularizing.
Shanghai Turbine