应用低剂量人α—干扰素和^(60)Co 综合治疗鼻咽癌21例,肺癌10例,食管癌5例及甲状腺癌、会厌未分化癌、舌癌、直肠癌各1例。肿瘤完全消失占65%,部分消失占30%,恶化占5%。干扰素用量≥30万U 者,肿瘤完全消失率为72%,<30万U 者为53.3%;>30万U时,有抑制微转移灶的作用。干扰素的主要副作用有发热、畏寒和皮疹。
From May 1988 to June 1989,40 patients with various malignant solid tumors were treatedby HUIFN-α and irradistion.Among these patients,these were 21 with nasopharyngeal cancer,10 lung cancer,5 esophageal cancer and 4 other cancer.The percentage of complete tumor remis-sion,partial remission and progressive was 65%,30% and 5% respectively,of head and neck,esophagus and lung was 95%,80% and 10% respectively,of complete tumor remission dosagewas more than 300000 unites and less than 300000 unites respectively.Inhibitory effect was ob-served in the growing of metastatic tumor that treated with interferon at dose more than 300000unites.The main side effects of interferon were fever,chill and skin eruption.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Suzhou