目的 :揭示脑出血患者年龄、性别分布规律及其病死率、死因与好发部位的临床特点。方法 :对近5年1107例脑出血住院患者临床资料进行统计分析。结果 :<40岁组发病例数较少 ,从40~岁组开始发病例数明显升高 ,至50~和60~岁组达高峰 ,分别为32.70 %和34.51%,与其它各年龄组对比 ,差别有高度显著性 (P<0.01)。男女发病构成比分别为63.69%和36.31 %(P<0.01)。病死率≥70岁组为8.53 %。与其它各年龄组对比 ,差别有高度显著性 (P<0.01)。男女病死率分别为3.40 %和2.99%(P>0.05)。死因中呼吸衰竭占58.33 %(P<0.01)。其好发部位52.66 %(P<0.01)为基底节。结论 :脑出血发病存在年龄、性别的分布规律 ;且年龄越大病死率越高。故对重点人群应积极采取有效的防治措施 ,以期减少或避免脑出血的发病。
Objective: To show the distribution of age and sex of the inpatients with cerebral hemorrhage and to analyze their predilection site, death reason and fatality rate.Methods: Analyzing the clinical materials of 1 107 inpatients with cerebral hemorrhage.Results: The group below 40 years old was attacked much less. The cases above 40 years old were attacked much more gradually with the increase of the age. The constituent ratios of the groups at 50~60 and above 60 years old were 32.70% and 34.51%(P>0.05) respectively. There was significant difference (P<0.01) in the constituent ratio among the groups. The sick constituent ratios of male and female were 63.69% and 36.31% (P<0.01). The fatality rate of group above 70 years old was the highest(8.53%).There was significant difference(P<0.01) in the fatality rate among the each group of age. The fatality rates of male and female were 3.40%and 2.99% respectively. There was no significant difference (P>0.05).The most death reason was respiratory failure, accounting to 58.33% (P<0.01).The most predilection site was basal segment, accounting to 52.66% (P<0.01).Conclusion: The invasion of cerebral hemorrhage had the distribution law of age and sex. The older the age is, the higher the fatality rate is. So the effective prophylactic-therapeutic measures should be done in the important crowd in order to reduce or avoid the attack of cerebral hemorrhage.
Journal of Tianjin Medical University
Cerebral hemorrhage
Fatality rate
Death reason