目的 :了解儿童残疾的发生率、致残原因及康复需求。方法 :采用整群随机抽样调查的方法 ,对5000名0~6岁儿童进行听力、视力、肢体、智力及精神5方面的调查。统一培训调查人员。调查结果经统计学处理分析。结果 :五类残疾儿童共59人 ,单残43人 ,混合残16人 ,残疾发生率为1.18%。残疾顺位为智力63.16%、肢体18.42 %、听力7.89%、精神6.58%、视力3.95%。致残原因孕期和产时因素50.8 %、原因不明28.8 %、遗传及先天性疾病因素8.2%、小婴儿时生病12 %,偶有意外伤害。59名残疾儿童仅有21例采取不同程度康复措施。结论 :加强围产期保健 ,对具有高危因素的婴儿实行监控和早期干预 ,开展残疾儿童康复服务 ,是减少和预防残疾儿童的发生率 ,降低残疾程度提高人口素质的关键。
Objective: To find out about the incidence, cause and recovery needs of handicapped children.Methods: To study 5 000 children aged 0~6 in audition, vision, limbs, intelligence and mind.Investigators were collectively trained.Results: Five categories of handicapped children total 59. Individual handicaps are 43,multiple handicaps 16, incidence 1.18%. Handicap order is intelligence 63.16%, limbs 18.42%, audition 7.89%, mind 6.58%, vision 3.95%. Cause in pregnancy and delivery amount to 50.8%, unknown causes 28.8%, genetic causes and innate diseases 8.2%,baby incidence 12%, and a very few accidental causes. Of the 59 children, only 21 have sought different means of recovery. Conclusion: To intensify health care in perinatal period, to monitor and early interfere with high-risk babies, to offer recovery service are of key importance in reducing and preventing incidence of handicapped children, lowering handicap degree and improving the population quality.
Journal of Tianjin Medical University