目的 :评价碘缺乏病区儿童碘营养状况及影响因素 ,探讨多水平统计模型在地方性疾病监测中的应用。方法 :应用多水平统计模型对 1995、1997和 1999年四川省碘缺乏病监测资料进行分析 ,研究尿碘的地区及个体差异和尿碘与碘盐的关系。结果 :儿童尿碘的变异在学校和个体水平均有统计学意义 ,尿碘与盐碘有显著相关关系。结论 :儿童碘营养状况不仅存在个体间的变异 ,而且地区差异也较大 。
Objective:To evaluate iodine nutrition status of children in IDD areas and its influencing factors and to explore the application of multilevel statistic model in the endemic surveillance.Methods:Multilevel modeling was used to analyze the IDD surveillance data of Sichuan province in 1995,1997 and 1999 studying the urine iodine differences in region and individual and its relationship with salt iodine.Results:The urine iodine variation of the children was statistically significant at school and individual levels,and the urine iodine was significantly correlated with salt iodine.Conclusion:Iodine nutrition status of children differed not only from individual to individual but also from area to area, and it could be significantly influenced by salt iodine content.
Modern Preventive Medicine