本文采用涂敷法制得聚乙烯醇 (PVA)复合纳滤膜 ,并对膜的分离性能、耐溶剂性、耐压密性进行了测试。结果表明 :该复合纳滤膜在 0 .6MPa操作压力下水通量为 12L·m-2 ·h-1,对 5 0 0mg/L的标准物质PEG6 0 0的截留率达到 90 .8% ,并随着操作压力的增加 ,水通量呈线性增加 ,截留率也相应上升 ,该膜具有较好的耐压密性 ,耐酸碱性和耐氧化性 。
Polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) was used to prepare nanofiltration composite membrane by way of coating method. The effects of pressure, solvent, etc. on the performance were discussed, and the compositions of surface layer were analyzed by infrared. The results show that: the water flux of the membrane under 0.6 MPa is 12.0L/m 2·h,and the rejection of PEG 600is 90.8%. The water flux increases as the operating pressure increases, while the rejection of PEG 600 remains unchanged. This kind of membrane has good anti pressure, good resistance to acids,bases, and oxidants.
Water Purification Technology