科技出版物; 插图 介绍了利用AutoCAD和CorelDRAW的文件输出功能,创建适宜于不同排版软件使用的高质量科技出版物插图常用格式的方法. 可在不需要添加外设的情况下, 充分利用已有的电子数据,实现设计数据共享,并免除扫描图像后期处理的麻烦,对提高线形类图书插图的质量具有相当的查考价值.
This paper introduces how to utilize the file exporting of AutoCAD and CorelDraw to create common use illustration form to different typeset software for high quality scientific and technical publications illustration. There is no need to add peripheral device with this method. It can make the most of available electronic data to realize the share of design data shared and avoid the trouble of repainting. it is also valuable for improving the quality of the line shape illustration of books.
Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)