针对建筑物使用年代已久 ,钢筋混凝土构件的保护层将会发生胀裂和剥落 ,影响构件的使用功能这一问题 ,指出处理混凝土保护层的损坏十分重要。究其原因有设计和施工两方面因素 ,并据此提出表面修补法和结构加强法两种修补措施 ,通过在某工程中应用 ,效果良好 。
According to the problem as the burst and the exfoliating phenomenon of the protective coating of the reinforced concrete component the paper points out that the treatment for the protective coating is very important. The reason of this has tow aspects as design and construction. And based on those two aspects author proposes two repair measure as surface repair method and structure consolidation method. Appling those two measures in a project make good effect.
Shanxi Architecture