扼要介绍了三轴不对称卷板时 ,根据被卷钢材的几何参数、力学参数来计算卷制工艺参数。计算机根据数学模型计算弹 (复 )前的曲率 ;计算不对称卷板时各种条件下的上辊移动量、位移角 ;计算一次进给不对称卷板的可行性 ,如进行最大变形量、最大压力、最大功率和不打滑的验算等等。
This paper introduces the parameter calculation of plate bending with asymmetric three axles according to the geometric parameters and mechanical parameters of the steel to be rolled.All of the computation shall be carried out by computer according to the mathematical models, including the curvature before elastic restoration, the upper roller displacement under various conditions, location angles and so on.The paper also gives the feasibility analysis of asymmetric plate bending under one time feeding condition,which includes the checking computation of maximal deformation, maximal pressure,maximal power and no sliding.A solid work has been done for automatic plate bending numerically controlled wlth asymmetric three axes.
Heavy Machinery