

Present situation and prospect of gamma knife radiosurgeryfor functional brain disorders
摘要 近20年来,随着CT、MR、SPECT、PET等影像技术的发展 ,颅内解剖学靶点如三叉神经、杏仁核、苍白球、VL核、扣带回及内囊前肢可获准确定位 ,立体定向伽玛刀放射治疗技术更趋于完善 。 With the evolution of imaging technology in the past two decades, currently anatomic targets including the trigeminal nerve (for trigeminal neuralgia), the thalamus (for tremor or pain), the cingulate gyrus , anterior internal capsule or amygdala (for pain or psychiatric illness), the globus pallidus (for symptoms of Parkinson's disease), and the hippocampus (for epilepsy) can be precisely located with computerized tomography, magnetic resonance image, single photon emission computerized tomography and positron emmission tomography; stereotactic radiosurgery gradually tends to perfection. Gamma knife therapy for nervous functional disorders has become the focus of interest in clinical study.
出处 《国外医学(放射医学核医学分册)》 2002年第1期41-43,共3页 Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine)
关键词 神经系统功能性疾病 伽玛刀 放射治疗 functional brain disorders gamma knife radiosurgery
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